Friday, June 4, 2010

Coronation Gold Yarrow

I love my Coronation Gold yarrow; no other yarrow will do. I have tried the reds and pinks over the years and have not been impressed in the least. Their colors fade in the blink of an eye and the least bit of breeze or light rain leaves them prostrate. Nope, don’t like them. Give me the Coronation Gold anytime. Aptly named, the flowers are like gold crowns atop each stem. And like one would imagine crowned royalty, Coronation Gold’s flower stems remain proper and almost formal, never unruly, standing straight and tall with their crowns always toward the sun.
So why did I plant just one? I can see in my mind’s eye a grouping of them, three at the least; five would have been so lovely and quite a statement. I also would have had plenty to dry. Envision small bouquets tied with brown twine and accompanied with pepper jelly or pesto as Christmas presents. Now, that would be nice!
Oh well, next year. There is always next year.