Friday, July 9, 2010

Blue Sedge

I am finally finished with the yard, again. All my plans of blogging and highlighting my plants went to the weeds. Two thirds of my .18 acre lot is mulch and plantings. If I could have grown more grass, I would have but I would have had to been part mountain goat, part he-man to be able to cut it. I’m neither. And I’m tired. Everything yard wise now seems to be nothing but an endless chore. And it’s hot, boiling hot. Frankly, I just want to sit back, eat my tomatoes and make pesto. Craziest thing though, the whole time I was out weeding, cutting back my gaura and fretting over those darn pepper plants, and thinking what a ton of work this gardening thing is, I was making a mental list of what I was going to do this fall. I want to separate my yarrow so that I can have three plants and make a statement. I also need one more glossy leaf abelia, maybe two, for the “woodland” garden. Then I am going to move the Muhly grass (Muhlenbergia capillaris) uphill from the blue sedge that I planted just last fall to give the sedge more growing area. (What type of sedge, I haven’t a clue. I have lost that tag along with all the others.) Anyway, it is wonderfully invasive… and I can’t believe I just said that! How we shy away from anything that may take over and take up any precious space for yet another flower. However, the color is so eye catching and it seems to love my yard. Plus, it seems to be taking care of shading out most of the weeds! I think I’m in love…

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