Saturday, July 10, 2010

It was an excellent Saturday in Asheville, North Carolina. It did start with a rousing game of tennis, which I know has nothing to do with gardening, but hey!
Anyway, I made the best pesto ever afterwards. The basil leaves went into the food processor no more than 1o minutes after I cut them. Also, I measured everything this time and now have the ratios I like. It’s heavy on the garlic which gives it a good bite.
Later, I walked my yard and weeded. If I could do that every 2-3 days instead of every 2-3 weeks, why then I can visit my plants without moaning. It only took a half an hour and was so enjoyable. I visited my pee gee hydrangea, (paniculata hydrangea) which is full of buds. When it does bloom, I will get a picture and post it. It is in the very back of my woodland garden and will be like a beacon of light, at least that is how I envision it. I think maybe two more weeks for flowers.
My woodland ferns are marching right along too. This year they really woke up. I’ll get a photo of them. Be prepared though, I’m a farmer at heart and planted them all in a row! Ugh! This fall I’ll bunch them more. Then the black eye Susans are popping and I can’t imagine a flower garden without them –so easy, so carefree. I think they will be separated and spread out too. Why not?!
I ended my gardening with cutting some Russian sage, black eye Susans, red lantana and the last of my yarrow and put them in a vase, all the while sipping lemonade with the scent of basil on my fingers. It doesn’t get any better than that now, does it?

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