Monday, May 31, 2010

Container Gardening

I have to have a home grown tomato soon or I know I will die. I just know it.
At present, I have two plants growing in containers; a cherry tomato and the other I am not sure of what it is; I lost the tag. Just like with the peppers, I am beginning to think two plants are not enough but then I remember that I am practicing patience, at least for a few more days. Plus, I have been encouraging my friends and neighbors to go ahead and plant more when they ask if I think they have enough. By August, I should have enough home grown tomatoes at my finger tips than I could ever dream and with very little expense and work on my part.
I do like container gardening and have had great luck with it. Of course, you have to keep a number of things in mind: have large enough containers for your plants, do not cheap out on the potting soil and if doing tomatoes, buy varieties that actually say “for containers.” Finally, put them in full sun (and not just where the pots look pretty) and don’t forget to water.
Along with my two tomatoes, I also have basil in a container. When I first started growing basil I thought 3 plants would be just right. I did that only once. The following years it has been two and I have always had more basil (and pesto) than I needed or could keep up with. This year, I am going to try just one. I am worried about that a little, but once again, there are my neighbors. And don’t forget, the trick to basil is pinch, pinch, and pinch! Katie is my official pincher.

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